
**** Frequently Asked Questions are at the bottom

A. Registration must be completed by a dealership and then approved by Avis Direct to purchase vehicles from this web site. The information needed for registration is listed below. All fields marked with an * on the web page must be entered.

  1. Dealership Information includes Name, address, phone #, email address
  2. Dealer License information needs to be entered and the actual license must be faxed to Avis Direct. To fax the document see the fax number on the registration page.
  3. Contact Information is the primary contact person at the dealership. This should be the person filling out the online registration. Once registration is completed and approved, they will be able to purchase vehicles and will be able to add other buyers to the dealership. This person has an important role in that they are the only one who can initially add buyers for the dealership. Contact preference is the way this person would like to be notified / contacted about purchases or other notifications from the system
  4. Login Information is set up for the contact person with a user name and password.
  5. Terms and conditions are a link. This should be reviewed before checking the box that you accept the terms and conditions. The terms and conditions check box must checked in order to save the registration information

B. Email Verification and Dealership Approval is needed before a dealership can start searching and buying vehicles on the Avis Direct web site.

  1. Emails are all verified before a dealership or buyer is approved. What that means is that an email is sent to the email entered on the page for both the dealership and the buyer. The person at that email has to click the link in the email which takes them to the Avis Direct web site. This verifies that there email works. Right after registering a verification page comes up. When the email is received they can type the verification code on the page that is displayed.
  2. Dealership Approval is done by the Avis Sales Representative. They receive an email once a dealership is ready to be approved. They review the information and if it is complete then they approve the dealership. The dealership is notified that they have been approved and can start using the system.

C. Change Password must be done the first time you sign-on to Avis Direct after registering. It will ask for your old password and then ask you to enter a new password and confirm that password

  1. Passwords must be strong what that means is that there has to be a least 1 letter, 1 number and 1 special character. If any of these are missing you will receive an error and it will not change your password.

D. Browsing or Searching for Vehicles is simple and there are many different ways to accomplish this. If you click the browse link on the menu bar it takes you to all available vehicles. If you go to the bottom of the page, if there is more than 1 page of listings it shows how many pages there are. You can click the >> to go to the next page or click on the page number you want. The following shows you how to limit that list.

  1. When in Browse there are three different ways to quickly limit your list of vehicles.
    1. Categories which are shown on the left defaults to all categories. The number in parenthesis is the number of vehicles in that category.
      1. Make, when clicked shows only those vehicles with the make you selected. A model list is now displayed for the Make you selected.
      2. Model, when clicked shows only those vehicles with the make and model you selected. A model year list for the Make and Model you selected is displayed.
      3. Model Year, when clicked shows only those vehicles with the make, model and model year you selected. A trim list is shown for the make, model and model year, if available.
      4. Trim, when clicked shows only those vehicles with the make, model, model year and trim you selected.
    2. Regions which are shown on the left and defaults to all regions. The number in parenthesis is the number of vehicles in that region. You can combine the region search with the category search to make your list even smaller.
      1. All of the US is the default. Click on US and it will give you a list of states that have vehicles for sale
      2. State, when clicked will show only those vehicles within that state. A list of Avis locations will be displayed that are in that state.
      3. Avis Location, when clicked will show only those vehicles that are at that Avis location.
    3. Keywords work differently than regions and categories in that it limits the list but it looks for anything that matches any of the words you enter. So if you enter 2012 Nissan, it is going to look for all vehicles that are 2012 and vehicles that are Nissan. So you will get Nissans that are not 2012 and years that are not 2012 but are Nissans. The names have to be spelled exactly right (i.e. Charge for Charger will not work). Also if you are looking for Power Driver Seat it is going to look for everything with Power, Driver and Seat. So if a vehicle has Power Steering it will be displayed. It looks at each single word. Here are the items you can search for.
      1. Make
      2. Model
      3. Model Year
      4. Vin
      5. Accessories
      6. Keyword search does not support locations
    4. Advanced Search allows you to find a specific vehicle by offering a wide range of selections. The more selections you make the more your search is limited. So if you select a price range and also select a make it will only bring back vehicles that match both the price range and the make.
      1. Keywords work the same as they do on the browse page - see above for details
      2. Category works the same as they do on the browse page except that it does not have how many vehicles are for each category - see above for details
      3. Price Range allows you to select a starting and ending price and find all vehicles within that price range.
      4. Include completed listings means that you want to show all listings even those that are no longer available because the vehicle has either expired or sold. Something you have to watch out for in this mode is that there is nothing that tells you which are active, sold or expired.
      5. Listings defaults to all. This shows all vehicles that are available for purchase. The other options are to select vehicle just started or vehicles that are about ready to end. The next drop down box lets you say if it is 1 hour or 1 day.
      6. Listing Id is a unique identifier that is assigned to each vehicle. If you know what this is you can type this in. It is shorter and less complicated than the VIN. It is displayed when you browse the details of a vehicle (See section Viewing a Listing).
      7. Mileage is entered with a starting and ending mileage. It will find vehicles with a mileage between these 2 numbers inclusive of these numbers. For example if you are looking for a vehicle that has between 20,000 and 30,000 miles, it will find vehicles with 20,000 and 30,000 and everything in between.
      8. Additional Details - these must be spelled exactly the way they appear in the listing or they will not appear in your search (i.e. '1.3L' is different than ' 1.3 L', notice the space in the 2nd one)
        • Year - enter a 4 digit year, this is in categories but here you can find all vehicles of the same model year without checking Make and Model first
        • Make - same as selecting a category that is Make
        • Model - type in the model - this does not require you put in Make like the categories do
        • Trim - enter the trim level - this does not require you enter to the model so you will get all vehicles with that trim level
        • Location - this is the Avis location such as ABG Orlando-FL, be careful of spelling here, it must match exactly
        • Displacement - enter the number for the engine displacement
        • Cylinders - enter the number of cylinders for the engine
        • Transmission - enter the type of transmission - if you can't find it, it is probably spelled different in the listing than you what you are typing here.
        • Drive Type - enter the drive type such as Front Wheel Drive, Rear Wheel Drive, All Wheel Drive
        • Exterior Color - enter a color
        • Interior Color - enter a color
        • Body type - enter the body type such as sedan, coupe, minivan
        • VIN - enter the VIN for a vehicle (you must enter all 17 characters)
  2. Saving Searches that you want to use later is an option.
    1. On the advanced search page after you have entered the search criteria that you want to save - click the 'Save Search' button. There is one at the top and the bottom of the page
      1. If it is a new search a pop will be displayed that allows you to enter a name and description for your search (it saves the date you saved so you will know when it was last saved in the future)
      2. If the search already exists, the system will ask 'overwrite existing search' or 'create new search'. If you want to keep the old search then say it is a new search. You will have to give it a new name and description
      3. If you want to replace the existing search answer 'overwrite existing search'
    2. Once you save your search to bring back the results, click on search in a drop down box on the browse page and it will use your saved search
    3. If you want to bring up an old search, click on the button 'Saved Searches', it will bring up a list of searches you have saved. Click on the name of the search you want. It will be displayed the advanced search page. Click 'Search' to perform the search and see the results.
    4. If you click on advanced search while you are viewing a saved search, it will clear out all of the search criteria and you can start from scratch.
    5. If you click on browse, it will clear out any saved search you have and show all listings
  3. Sorting can be done on the list that is displayed.
    1. Ending soon sorts vehicles where the most current 'available until date' is at the top of the list.
    2. Newest sorts the vehicles where the most current 'available since date' is at the top of the list.
    3. Price highest to lowest sorts the vehicles with the highest prices to the top of the list.
    4. Price lowest to highest sorts the vehicles with the lowest prices to the top of the list.
    5. Make A- Z sorts Vehicle Makes with A at the top of list and Z at the bottom of the list
    6. Make Z-A sorts Vehicle Makes with Z at the top of list and Z at the bottom of the list
    7. Model A-Z sorts Vehicle Models with A at the top of list and Z at the bottom of the list
    8. Model Z-A sorts Vehicle Models with Z at the top of list and A at the bottom of the list
    9. Mileage low to high sorts the vehicles with the lowest mileage at the top of the list
    10. Mileage high to low sorts the vehicles with the highest mileage at the top of the list
    11. Color A-Z sorts the colors in alphabetical order
    12. Color Z-A sorts the colors in reverse alphabetical order

E. Viewing a listing is simply done by clicking on the vehicle details or clicking on the picture displayed.

  1. After selecting a listing you are taken to a page that shows the details about that vehicle.
  2. Below all of the pictures in the description is a list of the accessories for vehicle.
  3. The smaller Pictures can be viewed in the larger view by clicking on the smaller picture it will replace the larger picture on the page; it does not permanently replace the larger picture.
  4. The Condition report can be viewed by clicking on the link 'Inspection Details' to the right of the VIN

F. Buying a Vehicle is simple it is just a couple of clicks a way.

  1. When you are Viewing a Listing (see section above) there is a 'Buy Now' button click this.
  2. The basic vehicle info and purchase price are shown.
  3. Click the 'submit' button to buy the vehicle or click on the 'cancel' button if you do not want to buy it.

G. Watching a Vehicle is putting the vehicle on a special list that you can buy from.

  1. When you are Viewing a Listing (see section above) there is a 'Watch Item' button, click on this.
  2. This vehicle is now added to you watch list. (see section below on Viewing Vehicles - Watch List)

H. Viewing My Activity (Vehicles) is where you go to look at vehicles you have purchased and vehicles you have put on watch.

  1. Watching are vehicles where you have clicked the 'Watch' button in vehicle details (see Watching a Vehicle)
    1. You can purchase a vehicle from this list by Viewing the Vehicle Details (see section Viewing a Vehicle)
    2. Sorting for this list can be done by selecting the how you wanted sorted from the drop down on the right. This drop list is the same as when you are browsing listings.
  2. Purchased view shows the vehicles that you have purchased.
    1. Sorting
      1. Newest Purchases sorts vehicles where the most current date sold is at the top of the list.
      2. Oldest Purchase sorts the vehicles where the least current date sold is at the top of the list.
      3. Price highest to lowest sorts the vehicles with the highest prices to the top of the list
      4. Price lowest to highest sorts the vehicles with the lowest prices to the top of the list

I. Viewing Dealership Activity shows sales and vehicles being watched for all buyers at the dealership

  1. Watching are vehicles where any buyer in the dealership have clicked the 'Watch' button in vehicle details (see Watching a Vehicle) - you may see a vehicle in this list more than once if more than 1 buyer is watching it
  2. Purchased view shows the vehicles that you have purchased.
    1. Sorting
      1. Newest Purchases sorts vehicles where the most current date sold is at the top of the list.
      2. Oldest Purchase sorts the vehicles where the least current date sold is at the top of the list.
      3. Price highest to lowest sorts the vehicles with the highest prices to the top of the list
      4. Price lowest to highest sorts the vehicles with the lowest prices to the top of the list

J. Viewing Dealership Information is under 'My Activity' button and in the menu item on the left for Account.

  1. Dealership shows base information about the dealership. If anything needs to changed the Avis Sales Representative needs to be contacted.
  2. All the buyers for a dealership are shown on the dealership information page.

K. Adding a buyer is done by clicking on the dealership information and then clicking on the 'Add Buyer' button. Only buyers who the ability to add buyers for their dealership will see the 'Add buyer' button. A page comes up where you fill out the buyer information.

L. Changing your password can be done at any time.

  1. On the lower left corner is a field that says password, click on this link.
  2. When the page comes up enter your current password, new password and confirm new password. Your password must be a strong password (see criteria above).
  3. Click 'Change Password' button.
  4. Your password has been changed. Remember this for the next time you sign in.

M. Forgot Password is handled by entering your email and being sent a link to reset your password.

  1. On the sign-in page, click the 'Forgot Your Password' link at the bottom to the page.
  2. Another page comes up asks you to put in your email.
  3. Click the 'Submit' button.
  4. An email will be sent you with a link to reset you password.
  5. Click on the link or copy the link into your browser.
  6. You will be asked to put in a new password.


Q: Who is responsible for transporting the vehicle?

A: Transportation is the responsibility of the purchaser.

Q: Do you provide photos or official Condition Reports?

A: Yes, we partner with AIM to provide an inspection on the cars we sell..

Q: Is the price negotiable??

A: We strive to ensure that our pricing is very competitive in relation to current market conditions. However, we are willing to review and discuss all reasonable offers! Please remember when doing your price comparison that our vehicles typically come with more options & equipment than vehicles from other rental car companies.

Q: Where are the vehicles located?

A: We have thousands of cars and trucks located across the U.S. and will work with you to find the vehicles you need in your area. Of course, the further you are willing to transport a vehicle, the more selection you will have.

Q: What happens if I receive a vehicle that has substantially more damage than originally reported to me?

A: If upon receipt of these vehicles, you find damage above and beyond the minor dents, scratches, cosmetic blemishes, scrapes, etc. notify your sales rep within two business days (48hours) of purchase receipt of vehicles. Avis will assist in reasonably rectifying the problem to your satisfaction.

Q: How do I get my dealership set-up and is there a cost to join the program?

A: There are no additional fees associated with this program. We do need a copy of your dealer license and your Federal tax ID. Please have an authorized signatory of the dealership access our online enrollment application by simply clicking the sign up link.

Q: What payment methods do you offer?

A: We will accept wire transfers or will work directly with your floor plan provider.

Q: Can I utilize my floor plan to purchase vehicles?

A: Yes. Please provide the details of your floor plan source to your sales representative so that we can get you set up.